Did you hear about the bee who was exceptionally good at geometry? He even knew what a rhom-buzz was!.
Bee puns for kids how to#
Did you hear about the bee that got fired from the barber shop? He only knew how to give one type of cut – a buzz-cut!. Did you know that when a bee is in your hand, there’ll always be beauty in your eye? Because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder. Did you know that bees can fly in the rain only if they’re wearing their little yellow jackets?. How did the bee win the heart of his girlfriend? He brought her a bouquet of bee-gonias!. The male bee was such a hopeless romantic that he kept pollen in love with all the female bees at once. What type of engagement ring does a bee buy? A ru-bee ring. Why did the one bee want to use the other bee’s mobile phone? To say hi to his honey. What did the bee say about how he got so lucky in love? The best way to go about finding love is to wing it. What did the girl bee say to the boy bee when he proposed? Quit pollen my leg!. Why did the girl bee fall in love with the boy bee? Because he was always on his best bee-havior!. How did the bee get to be so handsome? He styled his hair with a honeycomb.
The Queen Bee’s favorite bee is her hub-bee.
What do bees most enjoy about their relationships? The part where they get to go on honey-moon. Why did the bee get married? Because he finally found his honey. We really could drone on and on! Bee Puns About Love Fancy yourself a bit of comedic sting? Or looking for advice on how to be a real Queen Bee? Then look no further than our 101 un-bee-lievably funny puns about bees.